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Saturday, January 23, 2010

Divine Inspiration

I cry when truly inspired. I see something, hear something or experience a moment that is so engaging, so bone-chilling or uplifting that all I can do is accept the fact that my tear ducts are full and my heart is pounding. It's all I can do, aside from breathing with air fresher than moments before.

This happened when I for the very first time watched the movie Oliver and held my breath when the cute young hero of the film approached his master of the orphanage with open hands and empty bowl simply to say,
Please sir, I want some more.
I knew what the result would be, and probably, so did our fine young friend. Yet, despite the ridicule, despite even the illogical request, he chose to act from desperation in ways others around him had no courage to do.

Again this outpouring of the spirit within gushes forth from me when I see folks manage themselves admirably in the face of danger, perhaps simply by not losing control. Or when they demonstrate physical agility in uncommon ways. Such as in the case of a performer I saw this morning. Chris Bliss, a masterful juggler, tickles my nerves as he performs not only this talented skill, but
phenomenally to the Beatles' incredible song, Carry That Weight.

Chris's focus, his technique and his interpretation of the music builds and builds in just over 4 masterful minutes. Astounding! And better even than that is the audience's immediate reactions. There is nothing like moments of uplifted spirit.

Unless it moves us into action. To begin, check out Chris Bliss's You-Tube video by clicking on my title up above. See what it does to you.