It's beer:30 on my day off. I've worked up a sweat on this first day of October, sitting on the rooftop while reading. Hard to believe, but it actually feels like it's 80 degrees up here! After an hour, suffering, I go inside, reach for a cold brew - a real brew! not the MGD 64 substitute I usually find in the fridge - so I can feel that click in my head that relaxes me.
Because so far this day has been only mildly relaxing. Sleep in until 7, skip the gym, have breakfast out while reading the new Dan Brown release, go to the river and watch kids throw bread crumbs to the ducks.
I need another way to relax. I've slowed my pace, yet I need to FEEL it. Beer:30 usually does the trick. Good thing Blue Moon has twist offs - I don't want to waste anytime digging for a beer bottle opener. Now, it's time to go full tilt.
Yep, that works. That works well. And since I'm a little hungry, I reach for the Quick Fix. Dry roasted peanuts are a great companion to beer. On your day off, you take a break from routine, whether it's work, meals, the gym or anything else on the schedule. Days off are meant to be lived without routine.
I'm running out of beer. On the contrary, I'm laughing. Even singing...."Blue Moon, you make me..." Okay I forget the words to that song. What I do know is, drinking Blue Moon on a relatively empty stomach creates a joy I forgot was possible. Wait - I thought I had another still in the side door of the refridgerator - now that's an odd word, isn't it? Refridgerator? Doesn't "re" mean "again"? What got fridged again?
You're not supposed to let cold beer get warm and then iced down again. I know a guy who bought a case from a carryout, yet by the time he got home it was warm, so he returned it and actually got a replacement since he claimed to have received it warm!
Has my Blue Moon been iced down after it got warm? Can I pull that off? Pulling out the cash to run down to the carryout, I'm laughing. Can you imagine the look on that guy's face when I ask him if he can prove the beer I bought from him before was iced without first getting warm?!
Naw, I don't think I can deliver the punch line without laughing. My bottle is less than half empty and I have to do something about this. I need a FULL Blue Moon.
Running down to the local carryout, I open the door, look for the Blue Moon section and spot a new entry on the chilled shelf: Full Moon. Yes!!!! Does that mean you can just keep tipping?? I turn to the owner who has just finished serving a customer, laughing and pointing, my mouth wide open.

"I love it!" I said. "A Full Moon for my Beer:30!" He just looked as though he was looking right through me. "What?" he said.
Then I look further and see the seasonal distinction. For the winter months. Huh? Who wants a cold beer in the winter months? Aha! No wonder they stay full then! Blue Moon is pretty clever!
Finally, I see the Belgian White - the Belgian-Style Wheat Ale. "Oh, good. That will replace what I've been drinking," I say aloud to the owner, who by now has made some decisions about me and my behavior.
As I approached the checkout, I ask him what time it is. "Ten minutes til 4," he replies. "Good, that still gives me enough time to enjoy these six while it's beer:30."
"Blue moon, " I hum while exiting, suddenly remembering to check the temperature of the bottles I'm carrying out. And instead of asking my owner friend if they were able to keep the bottles chilled while re-stocking, I decide I need to run home before they get warm. Perfect. I'll work up a sweat, need the twist-off cap to quickly come off, then can enjoy the first at full tilt before I reach for the peanuts again.
What a day off.