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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

3 Reasons for Starting Mondays Well

This week I got off to a bad start, starting on Monday. I didn't get up with my alarm, missed my time at the gym telling myself I needed a slow segue from my vacation week to my work week. Then I realized I had appts to keep.

Rushing through the shower and out the door, I headed to the coffee shop where my networking colleague and I last met, then discovered from my phone calendar that I was not only heading to the wrong place, I needed 25 minutes to get there. The appt was scheduled for in 7 minutes. Checking my contact file, I realized I was missing the appointee's phone number. Rats.

In the meantime I needed to google directions to the new location in Dublin and my GPS wasn't coming in. Hoping for him to call me, I realized my morning actions weren't measuring up. Fortunately, he did call and I got to the appt, very embarassed. The rest of the day seemed full of mishaps that by 6pm I was ready to end. Actually, I wanted to redo Monday.

When Mondays go well, the rest of the week is full of possibility. When it doesn't, we're just the average Joe, wishing things were different. There are 3 reasons I have for starting Mondays off well.