One of the ways I have been serving my community is by requesting a chance to observe them. I get new stories for my presentation coaching, I gain respect and admiration for their styles and I put myself in the position to affirm and support them.
In most of these cases I am observing introverts. Is there a reason they respond more willingly? I don't know. I do know they want me in their audiences because they usually want to continue speaking and desire development tips.
Regardless of whether they are introvert or extrovert, it's obvious they want to distinguish themselves from the rest.
Times I have been told to observe folks who didn't solicit it themselves, I have had some pushback. Unless they are really good speakers already. Those who pursue speaking are quick to introduce me as their speaking coach. Those who don't appreciate my attendance tend to create distance from me or not let on to others what my expertise is.
It is okay to seek feedback. Especially when you know you will get better, but beyond that, when you know not only will you learn something, you will be affirmed as well.
Here's a challenge for you:
Before your next talk, seek feedback. Find someone (or a small group of someones) willing to listen and observe. Ask them what they liked and what they suggest. You will gain, immeasureably. You will be affirmed, inspired and motivated.
It's okay to get feedback.