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Friday, April 29, 2011

Appearing Effortless

Photograph: Ben Stansall/AFP/Getty Images

Many of us had the same impression while watching Britain's Royal Wedding today. Kate Middleton's grace and presence seemed effortless. In my mind, I was rationalizing her upbringing, her schooling, her social experience as what accounts to her effortless grace. Commentators in the TV media also remarked comparably - that not only does she exude ease, she attracts like-ability as a result.

Each of us has those times when we wish to come across with presence and grace. Similarly, to some, this is natural - based on upbringing, social experiences and/or education in comportment. But for the rest of us, what is a crash course in poise?

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Cordell Parvin and Attorney Credibility

I notice today's blog post for attorneys from Cordell Parvin speaks to why credibility matters. He does a nice job of concisely spelling out what it takes to be perceived as credible. Check out the link below to read it for yourself.


Now I will take a stab at answering

Why does credibility matter?

Friday, April 22, 2011

Our Focus Drives Our Results

It's not only in what we say, it's in what we do. Our focus determines our results. Lack it, and those of us business owners who want to get in front of our best audiences will ramble incoherently while others around us scratch their heads wondering how to help us.

The focused and strategic business builder is apt to articulate their needs and get results from listeners. Here's how.

Friday, April 15, 2011

If All the World's Our Stage - Why are We so Unrehearsed?

William Shakespeare said it best,
All the world's a stage, and men and women, merely players.
So why are we so unrehearsed?

Monday, April 11, 2011

Next Best Audiences Workshop!

Want to make the best use of your professional time while strategizing about how to get in front of the best audiences for you? Come to the May 25th Breaking Down Barriers workshop at Kegler Brown Hill & Ritter from 10-11:30.

For just $60 you can join others who want to improve their focus, strategy and activity in business development. We've honed the content to your 3 best areas of audience focus, will help you consider who best to align with to get the audiences you want, and get you started on next steps to speaking in front of them.

Join us! http://events.constantcontact.com/register/event?llr=z9snwybab&oeidk=a07e3ov3hyx5c66b769