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Saturday, January 30, 2010

Dig a Little Deeper

Dig A Little Deeper In The Well
Dig dig a little deeper in the well boys
Dig a little deeper in the well
If you want a good cool drink of water
You gotta dig a little deeper in the well.

My daddy used to tell me don't be fooled by what you see
If you want to get to the heart of things you gotta look way down deep...

...Life is what you make it sometimes a livin' hell
If you want to find that promised land dig a little deeper in the well.

Not only do Flatt and Scruggs tote the benefits of digging deeper in the well,
most of us know the value of working hard. Whether for creating something of value for our future or for the present, pay off happens when we do what it takes for the sake of discovery.

We are the richer, the more refreshed, the more aware and atune to what life has to offer. Yet digging deeper presents its challenges, especially in solidifying relationships.

With everyday conversation, the most enjoyable reward stems not from sharing, not from listening, not from observing and not from avoiding. But from the sole action full of the intention of digging deeper. The most enjoyable conversation experiences come as a result of asking good questions.

Many among us are good at this. They are articulate enough to word questions with specific focus as well as poignant address. They consider wide scope of perspective. They ask in order to uncover open-ended response.

Not everyone, however, is good at this, nor are they willing to put themselves in a vulnerable position to ask things that may generate differences of thinking.
Yet, those who do, discover great meaning in daily life and these conversational moments.

How do we begin if we aren't comfortable digging deeper? Well in 1985 Gregory Stock, Ph.D, generated a collection of philosophical questions that move and enlighten those who use them. Stock wrote The Book of Questions whether his readers want a tool for self-discovery or as a provocative way to stimulate conversation.

My English, speech and drama students sometimes ended class or often began them with 10-15 minutes of this conversational tool while the entire room of students sat in rapt attention at the answers shared.

We asked questions which, well apart from the trivial, led to examining and interpreting our past, to projecting ourselves into hypothetical situations, to facing difficult dilemmas and to making painful choices. Yet when we explored our own responses in the presence of others, it led to great stimulation.

Digging deeper in the well confirms the notion that the steeper, richer and more meaningful we want our relationships to be, the deeper our roots must grow. Like when building high-rises that will endure, foundations of many fathoms must be secured. So the case with our attention to creating trusting, committed relationships. The deeper we are willing to go, the higher the relationship elevates and richer we become as a result.

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