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Sunday, January 17, 2010

Weekends Prove Who We Are

This weekend we got out. Starting with Friday night and ending Sunday morning, we reconnected with friends. Sounds like a fairly common behavior, doesn't it? Not usually for me.

What usually happens is driven by my "cave" mentality. Although I may be outdoors, time is usually spent in isolation, reflection, domestic tasks and low-key entertainment. Penny conscious and refueled by alone time, I usually spend the majority of my weekend reading, doing mindless work and resting.

It has dawned on me that our weekend time is our freedom to be ourselves, the time we have to do what all week long we have looked forward to doing. And yet, most times the weekend comes and goes with little thought. It is my time to take off the 8-5 weekday hat (or most often, the 10-hour day hat in whatever configuration works) and see who I really am - what most is important outside of my professional focus.

In looking at how I generally spend my time, I see a fairly selfish focus. It's all about me and my needs. Is this what I meant when I chose to live my past 49 years of weekends the way I have? Talk about communicating what's important to me. What I do with my free time proves what I value.

Goodness sakes. I could be reaching out to friends, volunteering in the community, reconnecting with family or taking on some other noble activity. Because it is why we are here. And yet I spend so much time, my free time, in thoughtless, mindless ways.

If weekends prove who we are, what will my upcoming weekend plans be? And who am I proving anything to?

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