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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The Introverts Marketing Game Plan: The Do's

Nancy Ancowitz's book, self-promotion for introverts is one of the best reads I've found that helps the introvert understand their strengths while trying to promote business. If you can relate to the introvert, get a copy of this book. I know - business development is the hardest piece for this intelligent, committed individual. Yet if learning some techniques and remembering your strengths is the first step toward getting back in the game, get this book.

Here are a few nuggets you'll uncover:

The Do's of the Introvert's Marketing Game Plan

1. Schedule realistically, being mindful of your energy.
2. Plan on downtime between social interactions.
3. Build in time to prepare for meetings.
4. Include activities in your marketing mix that play to your introverted strengths.
5. Get the support you need to help you make your game plan even more doable.

These don't seem difficult, yet often we get so focused on the things at hand that when we consider the need to promote ourselves, our thinking is skewed by our emotions around it. Try some of these do's. They will give you more energy, more control and leave you feeling purposeful. It that's what self-promotion is all about, then it means you'll not only relax into it, others will appreciate your approach!

My next post will cover the Don'ts of handling your Marketing Game Plan. Happy self-promoting!

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