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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Merri's Tips - Part 8

47. Take care of yourself. Instead of saying yes to everyone who needs assistance, decide in advance what type of things to say yes to, how many at one time, and then you'll learn the art of saying No. It can sound like this:
"I am already committed to 'x amount' of things and feel it would be irresponsible to commit to more."
"Thank you for thinking of me, but I am committed to "x" right now."

Understanding your commitment and time boundaries is one of the biggest ways to take care of yourself.

48. Only once you take care of yourself can you help others take care of themselves. Offering advice on things you're already struggling with appears inconsistent and inauthentic. You may be quick to help someone solve their problems, but hold the reins on that instinctive behavior when you know it's better to say, "I am challenged in a very similar way."

49. Remind yourself of who you are and who you aren't. You may be trying to be someone greater than who you are. If so, take stock of what is important to you, of who are important to you and let these things remind you of who you are.

Certainly, professional and personal development are inspiring. Yet "faking it until you make it" is easy to see through and too severe a stress to live by. Be yourself and take small steps toward improvement.

These tips are meant to suggest ways to enhance your interpersonal and intrapersonal communication. Breaking down the barrier patterns that get in the way of our effective communication comes from taking small steps. Begin today!

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