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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Why I enjoy Observing Presentations

Several months ago I began the practice of observing speakers. I posted a plea on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn for discovering Ohio-based presentations from folks in my network and have begun finding ways to be in their audiences. Sometimes they make the arrangements themselves for me, sometimes they refer me to the event planner for assistance. Nonetheless, I now am a speaker's observer.

As a presentation coach, I know to expect a few things. Speakers often need motivation to continue speaking. It's time-consuming work, especially when handled well. Crafting a message - even those which are "packaged" - for each specific audience requires audience analysis beforehand, adjustment of the content for the time allotted and relevance to each of the listening audiences. So encouraging those who really need to be on the speaking circuit is part of my responsibility.

I also know that the best speakers are those who consider themselves unnatural for the podium. These are the introverts. Although they find themselves in front of groups based on their topic expertise, they prefer to be behind their desks in their office with the door closed. Yet their calm poise, their depth of knowledge and their experience all captivate listeners. I want to be in their audiences.

Got a presentation you're giving? Let me know. I want to be there.

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