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Friday, March 9, 2012

Resources of note

In the past I have blogged about books that have supported my coaching business - see this. Today my focus is on videos that has expanded my thinking of presentations - how to present, effective deliveries, and great topics. For this, I turn to a few TED talks.

Let's start with Nancy Duarte. In this conversation she focuses on the structure of plot - appealing to the presenter to actually lay out a visual design or a structure from which to assess the shape of a presentation. Her argument lays out Steve Jobs' and Martin Luther King's speeches as proof of what structure makes a great speech.

Jenna McCarthy's brash talk  isn't the essence of great audience engagement, unless the appeal to shock is what you are after. But I'm guessing most of us desire to appeal positively to our audience. Yet Jenna's audience is probably one expecting comedy during her presentation on What You Don't Know about Marriage. That's one reason I bring this up. McCarthy has a quirky appeal to the oldest topic clashing male/female  viewpoints.  The other reason I attract your attention to McCarthy is her use of visuals - well-timed and humorous. Enjoy.

My third pick of the TED talks is Bryce Stevenson, Public Interest Lawyer. To me Stevenson represents a communication style that immediately endears his audience. Stevenson's relaxed poise, self-deprecating humor and engaging personal stories capture us from his first words. Whether the topic, the stories or the inspiration affects, notice what works.

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