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Friday, April 13, 2012

Get the Power

Yesterday I had my second meeting with my mentor, a powerful relationship which started just two weeks ago. Going into the meeting I was excited, for I remembered the feeling I had at the end of our first meeting. At that point I was thrilled.

My mentor, Jim, had given me a way to focus what I was already doing into a system which would make my business so much easier. I immediately went to work on refining it, sent him my system and heard constructive feedback.

In the meantime, Jim send me the focus for our second meeting. I couldn't wait for the second meeting. And just as I had anticipated, the second meeting proved just as thrilling. Again I have homework that will benefit my focus and business.

When we are on our own trying to figure things out, we come really close to getting it right. We know what we want and like scientists, we test out several ways of getting it. Yet that feeling of self-doubt affects us introverts, so our motivation is weakened which slows down our progress.

We need fuel that powers us into action and keeps us motivated in our efforts.

One element of my fuel is my master mind group. This collection of business owners is a support team, an advisory board and a team of cheerleaders all wrapped into one. With monthly meetings in a defined agenda, each of us offer our newest successes and challenges for discussion. From this we get discusions that create synergy we leverage for solutions toward our success.

The second element of my fuel is my mentor. From my mentor I get weekly guidance on circumstances I am addressing and systems to support the strategy.

My personal fuel tank runs dry quickly when I rely only on my own perspective with my ideas. But the fuel additives of my master mind group and mentor keep me running with a power that eases me into focus which sustains the long haul.

If you don't have that kind of power, get it.

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