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Friday, June 15, 2012

Getting in the Flow #2

A few things are going really well right now. One is the environment I live and work in supports my creative and reflective abilities - Getting in the Flow #1 Another has to do with how I have been expressing my purpose and value.

That expression has altered both my professional attitude and results.

In my business, coaching services are unclear and under-valued until the user needs them, and that's usually when they are suffering the most pain from their lack of confidence and/or influence. Yet, that's also when I have tended in the past to feel compelled to help by lowering prices, also. We introverts often fall into this pattern.

It is those who are most underserved I pitched my services to. Silly me. This is not a sound business move - it doesn't keep healthy my ability to provide for them or myself, or grow my business into a sustainable service.

Can you relate to undervaluing your services? When my mentor encouraged me to alter my prices, my attitude toward them adjusted as well.

At first my scarcity button was pushed, but then when my mentor suggested this would help me serve fewer clients - and create a healthier cashflow, I relaxed. One thing we business builders battle is the constant pipeline-filling. The idea that I only need serve a few clients at a time eased my mind. What a powerful way to be in-the-flow!

I now have a bridge from my purpose to those who want the results.

This allows me to reach out purposefully to those who could most afford my services.

For example, I wouldn't sell a Jaguar to someone with a limited income. Sure, they may test-drive. They may (like me!) take it for a spin for as long as they could. But when it comes time to sign on the dotted line, they would be off and running. Going through that process of letting others who cannot afford to buy come to the table is a waste of time and a tease for those who cannot afford the car.

It has taken me a long time to align services with the appropriate end-users. I am not a business-educated entrepreneur. I am a services and experience-trained entrepreneur. Can you relate?

Positioning my services for the users that are willing and eager to agree to the terms is most important. And since my targeting has expanded beyond my original focus, I have now found those users.

Now that my client focus is aligned with the services I offer, I confidently express offering solutions to client problems.

I feel much more in the flow with who I am and what I have to give. Now I have direction, demand and the attitude to create a healthy business which can align and sustain its purpose.

How about you?

If you are struggling, take heart. Then, determine your value (perhaps 3 x what you've been pitching, or more) and line it up with who is in the best position to respect and request it.

If your altruistic spirit for giving to the underserved needs supported, build a bridge. Grow your business into a healthy state, then start giving to others.

1 comment:

  1. Merri, you have captured with words the lack of self confidence many feel about the value we assign to our "gifts".

    Your post is thought-provoking as it defines the feelings of self doubt in words and then provides a strategy to replace the under value message with a positive, confident one that encourages self respect.

    Thank you!
